- Wisdom teeth, lower third molars, lower back molars or number 8 teeth are your very back teeth. They erupt into your mouth usually between the ages of 17 and 25 but can be earlier or later. With regard to having wisdom teeth you will fall into one of the following categories
1. Wisdom teeth don't ever develop
2. Wisdom teeth develop but never erupt (enter) into your mouth (may cause pain or be unaware)
3. Wisdom teeth develop and partially erupt into your mouth (may cause pain or not)
4. wisdom teeth develop and fully erupt into your mouth (may cause pain or not)
- Quite often there is not enough room for the wisdom teeth to erupt fully into your mouth, in which case they may only partly erupt into your mouth and stay this way, or not erupt at all and stay hidden beneath the gum level.
- The lower wisdom teeth are more likely to cause problems than the upper wisdom teeth. They are also often more difficult to extract/remove when they do cause a problem than the upper wisdom teeth.