Welcome to OnlineDentists. We are a group of UK dentists offering non biased, impartial and honest dental advice. We cover NHS dentistry, Cosmetic dentistry and wider topics such as Dealing with anxiety, accessing the dentist and managing Dental charges and fees.
Your dentist should always be your first port of call for information that is tailored to yourself but if you need further information we are here for you or if you want a second opinion Ask a Dentist here.
Dental A-Z contains information on all topics from gingivitis and periodontitis to cosmetic dentistry and wisdom tooth pain management. Our Teeth Whitening pages contain the latest information on Professional teeth whitening as well as an update on home tooth whitening remedies! Missing Teeth deals with implants, dentures, dental bridges and other means of replacing missing teeth. Fixing Teeth deals with dental crown and fillings.
Straighter teeth deals with the latest adult braces and invisible braces whilst the Electric Toothbrushes section is updated monthly with the latest tips on brushing your teeth and the Best Electric Toothbrushes available. Dental Nurse Diploma Course available here
X rays in DentistryThe amount of radiation used in dental X-rays is low, but there is always a slight risk of damage to cells or tissue from being exposed to any radiation, including the low levels of radiation used for this test.
Pregnant women may not want to have routine dental X-rays taken until after they give birth. Although there is no proof that a routine dental X-ray could harm a developing baby (foetus). read more here The GDC produce guidelines for dentists to follow as well as deal with complaints/fitness to practice proceedings from patients or dentists about dentists or other dentists.............READ MORE HERE
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Baby TeethRoot Canal TreatmentDentistry AbroadFor those of you that don’t know; dental tourism is the act of going abroad for less expensive dental treatment, this is a booming industry in the UK amongst other countries and in many cases can mean you patients can get good quality dental treatment for half of the cost you would pay in the UK Click To Read More |
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